Wednesday, October 11, 2006

EVERYBODY getting tips…

HEAD wise…
As I was writing this post, a muscle on my neck connecting to the back of my head is constantly twitching. I was generously spreading the Indonesian “Balsam Gosok” on to my neck and now I smelt like my grandma: camphor-ish. Towards the end of the semester my health: body, soul and mind usually suffer due to heavy work load. My vitality and creative juices were running dry. I recalled back to my previous posts such as “Sounds kinda fishy in here” and I was surprised that the post actually had a lot of energy in there: wittiness and critical appraisal. I was desperately in need of long holidays and I could hang out at Sematan Beach swimming and jelly-fish kayaking (meaning one could kayak while watching jelly fish floating nearby…SWEET~) by the sea. I was looking forward to my dear friends’ visit to Kuching in November (Sin Yuan, Mei Ju, Jia Wen, Hooi Woon and her friend). Can’t wait! Woo-hoo!

With the coming holidays as motivation, writing this post seemed to be an ease. However, I lost my whole file half-way writing the post and this was my second draft re-writing the whole thing. No worries, I would still write no matter what. Never say die attitude (what a terrorist).

Like a superstar…
Ms. Sarah from the previous class called me while I was taking my evening nap. I was too exhausted trying to finish up my work and therefore fell asleep. I tried getting up earlier as there was too much to do but I just could not. Sarah’s call served as a wake up call for me and I appreciate it so much (and this evening I had my mum to give me a wake up call. I wonder who’s calling me tomorrow evening…hmm…). Sarah wished to interview me the next morning regarding the integration of blog into teaching and to tell the truth I was not used to people making appointments with me and interviewing me. I felt even greater that Sarah actually printed out the copy of my blog for the interview. Thanks for your support! She asked me a few questions that I had never thought of before like why did I put certain pictures in the particular parts and why did I include a smiley in the middle of the post. Erm…for decorations? To express myself better pictorially? Anyways, it had been a pleasure talking to her. Sarah was an ex-St. Theresan (famous all-girl school in Kuching) and she reminded me of my best mate who was also an ex-St. Theresan studying in Russia.

Sarah’s friend who was also a teacher doing post grad studies came up to me after class and giving me a hand-shake. She told me that she enjoyed reading lapalace. A gush of wind blew my face and I imagined myself having photo shoot for the November 2006 issue of Vogue magazine. Like a superstar…Or was I thinking too much? Hahaha…joking only lah…

SERIOUS business…
Perhaps for the PKEY3101 class, the major concern for students was regarding the up-coming test next week (well, besides the assignment). The Prof. was indirectly giving tips to us for the test during class. Her advice was answer straight to the questions and treats the test as fun (Quite hard for me. I would be shaking and sweating tremendously during the test. Can’t really focus on treating the test as fun).

I Will Try To Answer…
One of the hint for the test was the questions were mostly derived from our lecture and assignment completion experiences.

My very initial practice on the technological tools possible for teaching was on the creation of my blog: lapalace. In short, I would agree that my blogging experience was rather positive as I could reflect more on the day’s lecture, indirectly; this would imply that I would think more. When I engaged in thinking frequently, I would learn and acquire the knowledge in a faster pace. I could write more (or rather, type more), share my learning experiences, communicate and then ultimately, learn more. Due to the fact that I was actively involve in my own learning process when I explore on my own initiative on the blog, I would gain and develop various skills regarding blogging. My posts would be the best prove that there was actually a gradual development going on in my writing. However, the side effects of blogging perhaps would be plagiarism where students would blindly copy and paste information from other sites. Blogging turned out to be a mere burden to a few due to last minute work and bad time management. Some even looked at blog as time consuming. I disagree as the satisfaction of constantly writing the reflection, being able to actually look at my own’s progress through the posts and most importantly being well-known and having my blog read by the mass are the most rewarding of all.
Integrating blog into the primary classroom will not be impossible: teachers would need a specific aim for the teaching-learning activities to use blogging. For example, the purpose of the blog would be for pupils’ record keeping and laboratory report writing for a group Science project. Sharing of information, development in learning, creativity and freedom in the pupils’ self-learning would be promoted.

Next would be on Yahoo! Group. Briefly, on Yahoo! Group, one would be able to share information no matter night or day, enjoy the convenience of getting connected with others to share files and opinions, downloading useful online contents uploaded by the group members, have fast dissemination of information and experience bias free in acknowledgement of the latest news in the group. However, one should pay attention in the management of files on the Yahoo! Group as without a good management and arrangement of the files, the files and folders would get clustered and mixed up.
Yahoo! Group would very much contribute to active online learning. Anytime and anywhere, the teacher could synchronize learning with the whole class without needing to meet the pupils face-to-face. The possibility of integration to the teaching-learning in the classroom is just limitless.

We also tried our hands on the SeedWiki. Just like the two technological tools mentioned above: Blog and Yahoo! Group, Seedwiki is not developed as especially for teaching purposes. However, it is free to be manipulated into teaching-learning in the classroom. It provides prospects for pupils to personalize learning, to cooperate and collaborate while learning, to improve in many skills such as communicating with each other in the classroom and so on. A more visible skill that teacher could actually observe will be on their writing skill on the SeedWiki but there are also the abstract skills being developed such as intrapersonal skills and even psychomotor skills. Although the current SeedWiki do encountered instability and problems, for instance, flooding on the page, over-writing others’ files and many more, one should not disregard the power of the SeedWiki in aiding teaching.

The Prof. also mentioned about the SmartBoard. Besides amazed over the myriad collections of pictures and flash files available in the SmartBoard Gallery, one should use them in education. There is a latest version of SmartBoard available which is the 9.5 versions. Teachers are encouraged to look out for it and if possible to download it as this version has even more collections in the Gallery.

END oledi Lah…
With that said, I hope I could answer the exam questions. Fingers crossed.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

an EDGY daY...

at the EDGE of my SEAT...
ASSIGNMENTSsss due dates are nearing. TESTSsss are nearing. FINALSsss are nearing. No wonder I was really nervous, jumpy and even grumpy. Grey (or rather, I would call 'silver') hairs are popping on top of my head and I'm only 18++ years of age! Sadly speaking, I do have too much to worry.

As we had a major PKEY3101 assignment at hands, we were working on our work in class this very day. I was again annoyed by the disconnection from the net at home. OMG!!! What's wrong with TMNet? Desperately in need of a drastic measures, my housemate, dear Sin Yuan called the TMNet hotline (which is not toll free) and the answering machine talked for almost about nothing except advertisements for almost 10 minutes which the talking time will be charged in our next phone bill(good idea of earning money from the innocents and poor university students).
Returning to the mainstream (which is CLASS), Mrs. Lim went into our class today, bringing in a new face with her, Sarah. Mrs. Lim told me that the three of us actually had a thing in common- me, Mrs. Lim and Sarah were all from lovely Sarawak. And in my head I thought of another commonality among us- Sarawakian ladies have beautiful smile and are gorgeous. AGREED.

About ASSIGNment3
I had taken the effort of planning out for my assignment 3 which I was working with Mei Ju, Sin Yuan and Yoy (Siti Nurul Janah- This was my very first time doing a collaboration with Yoy). The motivation for me was the due date for the assignment was like another 2 weeks and there were tonnes to do. Luckily, I had my cutie and sweety group members to help out and devise the burden. ALL FOR 1 AND 1 FOR ALL everyone!
We met up face to face in class and discussed the details of the assignment again. We found out there were some clarifications need to be made by the Prof. We were blessed as the Prof. was going around checking how much we had done on the assignment. I did felt guilty as to tell the truth, I had not worked much on the assignment yet, besides careful planning and researching on the net.
Upon mentioning this, I would like to send my greatest gratitudes to Mrs. Lim for helping our group to set up a 'previous posts' on our seedwiki page so that we could retrieve the files that were being over-written previously. The seedwiki was functioning properly too as she helped in posting messages to Ken to fix the problem that bugged the whole class last week. I never felt happier!!! Perhaps we could meet up and eat cha kueh tiao at Kenyalang Park if she ever go back to sweet-old Kuching (message me: 0123949598 :]). Now, all I need is get the assignment done. ASAP! By the end of this week.

There is 2 more weeks to go before we are off for the Rayas- which left me very 'kin tio' and 'kan chiong'= nervous in Hokkien and Cantonese; to finish up my unfinish business (4 major assignments in total; hou cham ar~). Just let me finish up my work, and I'll pick up pieces of my life and continue to non-stop writing ;P... Enjoy~~