A BuilD-UP

Still under construction...
Before I started composing this week's blog, I had risked the possibility of destroying lapace's bluish-polka dotted webpage. Just because of my own curiosity wondering whether I could alter with the codes in the template by pasting a video CSS codes- could turn lapalace into a mess. However, it's a beautiful Friday morning and there would be no other things that I could do better than r
eflecting on my PKEY3101 class that I had two days ago. Therefore, with heartfelt apologies and regrets, I would announce that lapalace is still under construction of upgrading in order to add in some animations rather than having mere pictures all the time.

Speaking of the class...
Talking about the class, I was not behaving like my usual self. Negativity was dawning on me. I was passive and had not much words to say. Perhaps it was due to the holiday season (and the long list of celebrations- I kept quiet when the Prof. query about the plans for Merdeka Day and HOLIDAY...shy~). Now, I regretted that I did not went up to the Smartboard and try out the coursewares (so did the rest of the class) that were presented by the Prof. She got them from the UK and it would be difficult to get them in our local market.
However, I was trying out the activities shown by the Prof. in my head and I personally thought that the Mathematics activity involving the triangles and fractions was interesting. Although I'm minoring in Science Education, I understand that creating a Mathematics activity that integrates the Smartboard could be quite hard. The other activities were actually very simple yet innovative. So, when I stared at the activities shown to us I actually thought that- Hey, I should have thought of that when I was doing my Smartboard assignment. That was what would happen if one thought too much when doing things. As the Chinese saying goes, everything starts from the simple.

Assignment wise...
The jovial Prof. explained to us the details of assigment 3 which would require us to go on seedwiki and jot down our findings and progress (which reminded me that our group's table on seedwiki was still a stunning -blank-). Therefore, I set aside my passiveness (another symptom I got from the holiday mood) and quickly started looking for useful readings on the learning principle's regarding the children's curiosity while the Prof. left us to do our own research. Again I was confused for awhile as the Prof. said that we could complain to the Head of the Department of any disagreement of she leaving the class in an instant - hey, she IS the Head of the Department! Anyways, we got loads of fun work (work suppose to be a positive idea therefore to reinforce there is the addition of "fun") and in my view I was glad she was off the class awhile so that I could end up with something by the end of the class.
I was about to put my hands on the tables of criterion for our group on seedwiki only to realise that I had numerous questions that needed to be cleared off my heads. As a group we discussed but to clarify certain things we asked the Prof. To contradict to my previous view, I was glad she was in class again.
After listening to the Prof.'s explanation and advise on having no fear in carrying on with our ideas, I continued my search on children's curiosity. While the cat's curiosity would kill itself, the children's curiosity would instead act as a springboard along the way in their learning. Thus, leading us to the basis of Assignment 3 - how to meaningfully address the children's curious nature and instill a love of learning. At the moment, my group was still researching on the first topic for the group that was regarding "Curiosity in Children". My group did posted some related articles and if you were also as curious as me do go find out: www.pkey3101.seedwiki.com and click on my group: Group 1.
As I sat on a rocking chair in front of my beautiful lapalace, I reflected back on all these while writing and stating my thoughts lines after lines after lines of words. It had been half a semester since the my very first post and I slowly evolve from the mildly technology-resisting girl into a not-at-all technology-resisting girl (yes, I'm still a girl- not lady, not woman). However, I'm still the girl who is quite afraid of getting my hands to do assignments- scary~.
Many happy readings-doings-thinkings-writings-typings everyone.